A Selection of Creative Writings

Various Artists

Serve the Song

by Sam Stokes

In the majority of these essays, I refer to musical references, because that’s what I’ve been gifted with (anyone who has received a hand painted birthday card can attest to where the music and the visual art disconnects in my hands). That being said, most of these concepts translate to any artform really, whether it’s writing, visual art, photography, dance, even science, math and general creative problem solving.


This concept is life changing in many different layers. I’ll explain my journey with it, one side story at a time.

It all began one day in autumn of 2020, Starr 44 was having a meeting over Zoom, when the discussion turned toward Creating vs. Receiving.


One of the main tools I use while working with artists is the concept of play. 

I hear you, musicians and artists are ALWAYS playing, this must be so natural for them, they don’t need help playing, blah, blah, blah.


Half Idea > Full Idea

by Sam Stokes

What is a half idea? 

As creators, many times we enter a collaboration, eager to make something together, but we present an idea that is so fully formed, it’s nearly impossible to dissect it. It’s like we bring Michaleangelo, genitalia and all, to a session hoping someone else can fix his nose. 

Or we show up with nothing.


We want to meet you!

Tell us a bit about yourself and your art.