What is Lilac Records?

Lilac Records is the recording company created by artist Sam Stokes. It is based in Los Angeles, but has global reach. Stokes is an active artist in the music scene in Los Angeles & Europe with an ever-growing fanbase. 

"In the process of learning (real-time) and discovering so much within my own artistry, I wanted to take the time to give back to others and share some of the things I've learned during my career. If you love music - I mean really LOVE music - and you want to learn everything there is about it and grow as a human being within the world of music - I would love to help you on your journey!" - Sam

Check out more of Sam's music and career on her website


in person/remote

Songwriting Collaborator

Sometimes a song is almost there but needs a little extra something to really sit right. If you're looking for a collaborator who will honor your original vision while also encouraging the best version of the song to be born, I'm your person!

in person

Demo Production

Looking to record a great demo of your song and get comfortable in a recording studio before heading to the big leagues? My intention is to help you feel seen, heard and clear in your vision so you have the best foundation for your career ahead!

in person
Live Performance Coach

Taking your songs from the studio to the stage is a big moment and can often times feel confusing to understand what works in one environment and does/doesn't translate to the stage. I'll go to shows with you to help you get comfortable and also give you training to feel confident, ready and unique in your live performance.

in person/remote

Music Industry Mentor

Let's be real, the music industry is ever-changing and a wild, wild west. The only true compass you have is your intuition, your integrity and your heart. I can help you build your internal compass so you feel confident to walk into any room.